
Learning Framework

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years ago

Burning Questions


Part One: What are Web 2.0 Tools?


We can provide a quick overview of this constellation of tools and software that allows us to interact in new ways with people and information.


Comment and Conversation

Social Networks

Streaming Media

Knowledge Managers



What’s different?

Information can be quickly revealed to large audiences, and audiences can add more information to create larger meaning.


What are the implications?

The web is a place of co-creation that relies not just on single, "approved" source of information, but the wisdom of crowds. The playing field is leveled, and traditional communication hierachies are changing significantly.


How are these tools used in the philanthropic sector?




Part Two: Who’s Regional 2.0?


We can drill down into some examples of how these tools can and are being used by regionals, by “new” philanthropy to engage broad communities and by “traditional” philanthropy to reach new levels of transparency and effectiveness.


what’s not happening? Why should regionals engage? How do we get started?


MCF's blog, Philanthropy Potluck: blog.mcf.org




West Central Initiative's blogs:

The West Central Blogger: www.westcentralblog.blogspot.com;

West Central News: www.westcentralnews.blogspot.com

Washington Grantmakers:


Embedded RSS Feeds




Women's Funder Roundtable Wiki


Oregon & Southern Washington:








More RA Web 2.0 >>


Part Three: Small Group Discussions


We can incorporate time for small group discussions into our session to ensure that attendees have a chance to:


Connect with peers who are also interested in using new technologies.


Hear what others have learned from their experiments with Web 2.0 tools and share what attendees have learned from their organization’s experiences.


Consider how attendees and their organizations can wade into the Web 2.0 waters.


When we come together as a full group again, we can ask individuals to share the insights and questions that emerged during these conversations.

Questions to help galvanize the conversation…


What would it take to begin experimenting with these tools at your regional?


What ways could your own organization put social media to use (Or how is it already putting Web 2.0 tools to use)?


Given the discussion so far, how compelling is it to you for your regional to try to use social media? Why or why not?


And, for the brave… Stepping back and seeing the big picture:


From your perspective, what might be the implications of an increasingly Web 2.0 world for grantmakers?


Part Four: Reconvene & Share


We can close with a facilitated sharing of what attendees discussed and heard during in small group conversation, lifting the takeaways, a-ha’s and need-to-knows, and adding the session archive and resource pages at url here




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