Technology Tools for Philanthropic Foundations
Welcome! This site is designed as a simple and quick introduction for grantmakers interested in using new technologies (and some older ones, too) in creative ways. We’ve gotten started by identifying a wide range of valuable technologies. For each, we provide a brief description of how grantmakers could put it to use, links to actual tools, links to more in-depth information, and simple information about the time and money needed to implement it. We've grouped them into categories by how the tools are most often used. Take a look, add your own, and comment on what is already here. We've also included links to several general resources and the story behind the wiki.
password for editing: grantmakers
Wikis, Word Processing and Spreadsheets Online, Shared Calendars, Online Collaboration, Group Discussions, Web-Based Conferencing, Meeting Scheduling, Extranets, Second Life, Social Networking, MoSoSo
Gathering and Analyzing Information
GIS Mapping, Social Network Mapping, Online Surveys, Logic Mapping and Evaluation Planning, Organization Assessments Online, Mindmapping, Content Analysis, Customer Relationship Management Systems, Grants Management, Online Applications, Reporting and Monitoring
Organizing and Filtering Information
Tagging and Social Bookmarking, RSS Feed Readers, Collaborative Information Ranking, Clipping Services, Library and Resource Center, Portals
Disseminating Information
Blogs, Digital Video, Podcasting, RSS Feed Creation, Photo Sharing, Course Management, Bulk Emailing
Improving Basic Communications
Phone and Conference Call Services, SMS and Text Messaging, Instant Messenger, Email
Increasing Efficiency and Productivity
On-Demand Software, Online Sales and Auctions, Remote Access - PC and VPN
Facilitating Donations and Volunteering
Online Matching, Online Giving
This resource originally developed by:
Blueprint Research & Design, Inc.
720 Market Street, Suite 900
San Francisco, CA 94102
T (415) 677-9700
F (415 677-9711
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